Get in touch!
You want to know more about Blickdicht Manufaktur and Blidimax, you have specific questions about the product or you just want to learn more? No problem: You have various possibilities to get in contact with us.
Contact form
Quick and easy: Fill in the form fields, upload any pictures and send them off. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Make an appointment for a phone call with us. We will then be at your disposal and have enough time for your project.
Would you like to visit us and discuss everything in person? You're welcome to. You can also make an appointment here
You have more to write than our form can hold and prefer to use your e-mail programme, then send us an e-mail.
Your message for us
*-fields are mandatory
Make a telephone appointment
A telephone appointment has its advantages. We know exactly when you have time and can therefore reserve the time for you. Here we can get to know each other, answer your questions and give you tips and suggestions for your projects.
Use the booking calendar, choose a free date and time, fill in your details and we look forward to a nice phone call with you.
We'll be in touch.
Make an on-site appointment
You are welcome to make an appointment with us on site. This is the best way for us to look at and discuss your project. You have the opportunity to get to know us, BlidimaX© and BlidimaXblack© and our manufactory.
Just use the booking calendar, choose a free date and time and we look forward to your visit and an interesting conversation here in our manufactory.
See you soon.